Because of expected ice storm on Sunday January 9, only 8:30 worship will take place onsite.

Raising Emotionally and Socially Healthy Teens

Hello Youth Ministry Parents:
I hope your summer is starting off well! We have some great things coming up
this summer. We are working on great moments for your student to connect
with others while also staying connected to their faith during these summer
One of the reasons we create some of these fun moments, as well as our deeper
spiritual moments, is to help you in your work of raising emotionally and socially
healthy children. Our ministry is more than just a spiritual development place; it
can also be a great place for your tween/teen to develop emotionally and socially.
Church is the perfect “safe place” for tweens/teens to work through emotional and
social struggles. It is also a great place for them to work on healthier interactions
with others as they interact with their faith.
Around that idea, this month’s Online Parenting Class is on the topic of “Raising
Emotionally and Socially Healthy Teens.” As you watch it, think
through the 5 helpful hints, especially #1 and #3 as you look over our summer
ministry calendar!
As always, we hope this short monthly “parenting class” gives you some
encouragement and inspiration for your parenting journey!
Please check out this week’s online parenting class:
Blessing on Your Home-




