Advent is the time we look forward to the celebration of Christ’s birth.
This year, Advent begins on Sunday, December 1.
The season of ADVENT is a time of waiting and anticipation. Our hearts are filled with expectant joy as we celebrate the coming of Messiah. The Advent wreath helps us countdown the Sundays until Christmas with the lighting of a purple or rose colored candle each Sunday. The lighting of the CHRIST CANDLE on Christmas Eve culminates our time of waiting. Our hearts are ready to burst with celebration as we proclaim that the Word is made flesh, Jesus is here! On Christmas day the celebration begins and we move into the historical twelve days of Christmas or CHRISTMASTIDE. The waiting is over. The preparations are done. It is time to start the party.
The season of ADVENT is a time of waiting and anticipation. Our hearts are filled with expectant joy as we celebrate the coming of Messiah. The Advent wreath helps us countdown the Sundays until Christmas with the lighting of a purple or rose colored candle each Sunday. The lighting of the CHRIST CANDLE on Christmas Eve culminates our time of waiting. Our hearts are ready to burst with celebration as we proclaim that the Word is made flesh, Jesus is here! On Christmas day the celebration begins and we move into the historical twelve days of Christmas or CHRISTMASTIDE. The waiting is over. The preparations are done. It is time to start the party.

God With Us Brings Hope

A remarkable thing happened that first Christmas: Jesus was born. He is Immanuel, which means “God with us.” And at Redland we believe God is still with us, bringing hope, love, joy, and peace—in all circumstances. Our Advent sermon series this year is God With Us, Sundays at 8:30am and 11:00am, concluding with our Christmas Eve Family Candlelight Service at 6:00pm.
This Christmas season, we invite you and your family to experience God With Us!
This Advent season at Redland, we have prepared an outreach postcard inviting friends and neighbors to our Sunday Worship Services, Christmas music concert on December 15, and Christmas Eve Worship Service. Please use these cards to invite others to Redland this Christmas Season!
This Christmas season, we invite you and your family to experience God With Us!
This Advent season at Redland, we have prepared an outreach postcard inviting friends and neighbors to our Sunday Worship Services, Christmas music concert on December 15, and Christmas Eve Worship Service. Please use these cards to invite others to Redland this Christmas Season!
Advent Devotionals
Free Advent devotional books, Everyday Gospel Christmas Devotional by Paul David Tripp, are available at the Welcome Desk. Please take one for your family and one to share!
God With Us Brings Love
RBC Christmas Offering for International Missions
Let us prayerfully prepare our hearts for giving to our annual Christmas Offering for International Missions (Lottie Moon Christmas Offering), which supports foreign missions efforts. Donations accepted through the end of January, please be sure to write “RBC Christmas Offering for International Missions” in the memo line.
Our offering goal this year is $22,500 with the following distribution:
50% to International Mission Board (Lottie Moon Christmas Offering),
25% to Cathie Burke Africa Mission,
25% to RBC International Mission Trips.
Our offering goal this year is $22,500 with the following distribution:
50% to International Mission Board (Lottie Moon Christmas Offering),
25% to Cathie Burke Africa Mission,
25% to RBC International Mission Trips.

The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Week of Prayer Brochure and videos are available for download below.
God With Us Brings Joy
Christmas Card Post Office
Every Advent season, Redland makes a Christmas Card Post Office available in the church Foyer so you may drop off your Christmas cards to your Redland friends. Donate the money you save in postage to the RBC Christmas Offering for International Missions and Lottie Moon Offering! The RBC Christmas Card Post Office is available the first Sunday of Advent thru Epiphany, January 6.

God With Us Brings Peace