Partners in Growing in Faith
The Children’s Ministry at Redland Baptist Church is a grace-driven ministry seeking to connect the heart of every child from birth through Grade 5 with the heart of Christ. We are committed to sharing Jesus with children and their families. Activities are designed to help your child and you grow in your faith as a partner with us in a safe and secure environment.
Children aren't the church of the future; they're the church of today!
When We Meet
Sunday Mornings
8:30 am Extended Care Childcare for children younger than Kindergarten
9:40 am Small Group Bible Study for all Ages (Infants through Grade 5)
11:00 am Extended Care Childcare for children younger than Kindergarten
9:40 am Small Group Bible Study for all Ages (Infants through Grade 5)
11:00 am Extended Care Childcare for children younger than Kindergarten
Programs and Camps
During the school year, we offer Awana on Sunday evenings, Kids for Praise Children’s Choirs and Grace Notes Bells on Wednesday evenings, and American Heritage Girls Troop MD1212 on Thursday evenings.
The summer brings a full schedule of fun activities including our version of
Vacation Bible School which we call RBC Camp. Then take advantage of our other summer camp activities: Sports Camp and Children's Handbell Camp. More info is available on our Summer Camps page.
The summer brings a full schedule of fun activities including our version of
Vacation Bible School which we call RBC Camp. Then take advantage of our other summer camp activities: Sports Camp and Children's Handbell Camp. More info is available on our Summer Camps page.
Children's Ministry Programs

Come as you are, Worship with us (8:30am or 11:00am) and know that your little ones (infants to 5 years of age) are being cared for in a safe, secure, loving and fun environment at extended care nursery! We also offer age-graded Small Group Bible Study at 9:40am. The children are taught fun Bible-based lessons and activities each week.
Children age 3 - Grade 5 may join us Sundays at 5:30pm in September through May for AWANA, a Bible-centered program that focuses on learning God's Word in a fun atmosphere that provides consistent, positive teaching and training.
Children age 3 - Grade 5 may join us Sundays at 5:30pm in September through May for AWANA, a Bible-centered program that focuses on learning God's Word in a fun atmosphere that provides consistent, positive teaching and training.

Want to encourage your child’s love and gift of music? Join us for Wednesday evening music programs!
Led by Rev. Bill Archer, our Minister of Worship and Administration, Grace Notes Children’s Handbells is for children in Grades 3 - 5 that meets at 6:30pm on Wednesday evenings from September through May.
Kids for Praise (KFP) Children’s Choirs meet Wednesdays at 6:30pm from September through May. There are three age-graded choirs: KFP 1: ages 4 and 5, KFP 2: Grades 1 – 2, and KFP 3: Grades 3 – 5.
These groups minister periodically in Sunday Worship and KFP 2 and 3 perform a yearly spring musical.
Led by Rev. Bill Archer, our Minister of Worship and Administration, Grace Notes Children’s Handbells is for children in Grades 3 - 5 that meets at 6:30pm on Wednesday evenings from September through May.
Kids for Praise (KFP) Children’s Choirs meet Wednesdays at 6:30pm from September through May. There are three age-graded choirs: KFP 1: ages 4 and 5, KFP 2: Grades 1 – 2, and KFP 3: Grades 3 – 5.
These groups minister periodically in Sunday Worship and KFP 2 and 3 perform a yearly spring musical.

American Heritage Girls Troop MD1212 meets on Thursdays at 6:30pm during the school year with optional activities throughout the year. American Heritage Girls is a Christ-centered character and leadership development program for girls ages 5-18.
Children's Summer Camp!

RBC Camp - A VBS Experience
For children Age 6 through just graduated Grade 5
June, 9:00am-11:15am
RBC Camp is a Free summer camp for children Age 6 through just graduated Grade 5. Come learn about God’s love through music, art, games, and Bible stories!
Registration is Required.
Registration is Required.
Children's Ministry News
RBC Devotional Book 2025
January 24th, 2025
RBC Devotional Book - Living in GraceāA 30-Day Devotional ...
Inclement Weather
January 1st, 2025
RBC Inclement Weather Policy...
Upward Tip Off Sunday, January 12, 2025
December 27th, 2024
Upward Tip Off Sunday, January 12, 2025...
Parent's Night Out - Dec 6
November 22nd, 2024
Parent's Night Out December 6...