Because of expected ice storm on Sunday January 9, only 8:30 worship will take place onsite.

Freeman Farewell Celebration March 30

Freeman Family Farewell Celebration

Sunday, March 30, 2025

Pastor Kevin Freeman has announced his call to serve as pastor at another church. You’re invited to join in a Farewell Celebration for the Freeman family and their years of ministry service at Redland Baptist Church on Sunday, March 30, 2025.
10:30am  Combined Worship. (No 8:30am Worship & No Grace Groups/Sunday School)
12:00pm  Potluck Lunch in the ROC. 
     Redland Provides Fried Chicken, Celebration Cake, and Beverages.  
     Redland family provides:
          Last Name begins with A-H:  bring a main dish
          Last Name begins with I-Z:  bring side, salad, or fruit

Contribute to the Love Offering for the Freeman Family

As another part of our Farewell Celebration to the Freeman family, the Church Council has set up a special “Love Offering” that will be presented to them on March 30, 2025. This offering is being collected until March 26, 2025. Kindly mark envelopes and checks “Kevin Freeman Love Offering.” Donations may be placed in the Sunday worship offering plates, or mailed to or dropped off at the Church Office. Redland will not be able to give tax deductions for these gifts.




