A Word from the Nominating Committee
January 19, 2025

The Nominating Committee wanted to update Redland on our progress in identifying the next Pastor Search Committee as we continue to move forward as a church since our prior committee stepped down.
In November, the Church Council drafted a letter that was shared with the congregation and affirmed at a Specially Called Business Meeting on November 24, 2024. Upon affirming that letter to both the church and a future Pastor Search Committee, the Nominating Committee began meeting to identify candidates for the next Pastor Search Committee. These meetings included your elected Nominating Committee members along with all ministry directors, as outlined in the church bylaws, though Kevin Freeman recused himself from the conversations. Mimi Westcott was consulted as a representative of the Youth Ministry in the early stages of conversation. Unfortunately the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years holidays have delayed the process, but we continue to work diligently as we contact potential candidates.
As a quick reminder, the church bylaws establish that the Pastor Search Committee will be made up of five (5) voting members, including a committee chair person nominated for that specific role, and of two (2) alternates.
The Nominating Committee first set our priorities for representation that reflects the many demographics and ministries of Redland Baptist Church, using our five purposes: Grow, Reach, Affirm, Care, and Exalt. We also feel it is important that Pastor Search Committee members have been active in the church for at least 3-4 years and show a commitment to the unity of Redland. These are similar requirements to those previously used.
The Nominating Committee met and identified a list of over fifty individuals for consideration. We then prayed over that list and identified a prioritized list of approximately ten candidates that we could begin reaching out to and invite them to serve on the next Pastor Search Committee.
At this time, we have confirmed three (3) members to the committee and one (1) alternate. We are actively working to identify a candidate who will accept the chair position of the Pastor Search Committee and will immediately then turn to identify the final member and alternate.
Once the slate is confirmed, we will announce this to the congregation and a Specially Called Business meeting will be announced. The announcement of Specially Called Business meetings must provide at least two Sundays before the meeting can be held. Given these requirements, we anticipate that we are at least three weeks away from presenting a Pastor Search Committee slate to the church and it could take more time, depending on the time needed for each individual to consider the request to serve on the Pastor Search Committee.
If you have any questions about this process, feel free to reach out directly to the Nominating Committee Chair to answer what questions she may, though specifics around who has been considered and asked to serve will remain in confidence to the process.
Please continue to pray for the Nominating Committee as we continue this work and be praying for both our past and future Pastor Search Committees as we continue to move forward in the process of identifying the Pastor God is calling to serve Redland.
Thank you,
Erin Toomey, Chair
and the Nominating Committee
In November, the Church Council drafted a letter that was shared with the congregation and affirmed at a Specially Called Business Meeting on November 24, 2024. Upon affirming that letter to both the church and a future Pastor Search Committee, the Nominating Committee began meeting to identify candidates for the next Pastor Search Committee. These meetings included your elected Nominating Committee members along with all ministry directors, as outlined in the church bylaws, though Kevin Freeman recused himself from the conversations. Mimi Westcott was consulted as a representative of the Youth Ministry in the early stages of conversation. Unfortunately the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years holidays have delayed the process, but we continue to work diligently as we contact potential candidates.
As a quick reminder, the church bylaws establish that the Pastor Search Committee will be made up of five (5) voting members, including a committee chair person nominated for that specific role, and of two (2) alternates.
The Nominating Committee first set our priorities for representation that reflects the many demographics and ministries of Redland Baptist Church, using our five purposes: Grow, Reach, Affirm, Care, and Exalt. We also feel it is important that Pastor Search Committee members have been active in the church for at least 3-4 years and show a commitment to the unity of Redland. These are similar requirements to those previously used.
The Nominating Committee met and identified a list of over fifty individuals for consideration. We then prayed over that list and identified a prioritized list of approximately ten candidates that we could begin reaching out to and invite them to serve on the next Pastor Search Committee.
At this time, we have confirmed three (3) members to the committee and one (1) alternate. We are actively working to identify a candidate who will accept the chair position of the Pastor Search Committee and will immediately then turn to identify the final member and alternate.
Once the slate is confirmed, we will announce this to the congregation and a Specially Called Business meeting will be announced. The announcement of Specially Called Business meetings must provide at least two Sundays before the meeting can be held. Given these requirements, we anticipate that we are at least three weeks away from presenting a Pastor Search Committee slate to the church and it could take more time, depending on the time needed for each individual to consider the request to serve on the Pastor Search Committee.
If you have any questions about this process, feel free to reach out directly to the Nominating Committee Chair to answer what questions she may, though specifics around who has been considered and asked to serve will remain in confidence to the process.
Please continue to pray for the Nominating Committee as we continue this work and be praying for both our past and future Pastor Search Committees as we continue to move forward in the process of identifying the Pastor God is calling to serve Redland.
Thank you,
Erin Toomey, Chair
and the Nominating Committee
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