Because of expected ice storm on Sunday January 9, only 8:30 worship will take place onsite.

Youth gathering, July 19

So far the youth have been meeting for a morning study every other week. We are now shifting to weekly gatherings!

We will alternate: one week will be a Bible study, and the next week will be fellowship building activities. Steps will be taken to ensure appropriate physical distancing and safety.

Sunday, July 19 is a fellowship activity day. Youth will still circle up, but instead of a lesson we will have more fun and interact, all while staying six feet apart.
Times: 10:20-11:05 AM (between the worship services)
Location: The youth Barn - back here for the foreseeable future
Inside/outside: Our goal is to be outside, but weather (hot or rainy) may force us indoors.

Of course, please do not come if you have any sickness symptoms and be sure to wear a mask - a requirement along with temperature check if we are indoors.

Online study: On July 26, we plan to have a Zoom option for youth to participate in our lesson! Look for more details next week.




