Because of expected ice storm on Sunday January 9, only 8:30 worship will take place onsite.

Operation Christmas Child

OCC National Collection Week

November 16-23

Redland is again a collection center for Operation Christmas Child (OCC) National Collection Week, November 16-23! OCC makes it possible for millions of children around the world to experience God’s love through shoeboxes filled with gifts. These shoeboxes open doors for presenting the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

Want to pack a shoebox?

Now is the time to start building a shoebox gift!
Here are some suggested items to pack:
  • a medium to large “wow” item to capture a child’s attention (doll or soccer ball with pump),
  • toys (jump rope, marbles, toy car, harmonica),
  • school supplies (pencils, erasers, colored pencils, pens, pencil sharpener, solar calculator),
  • non-liquid hygiene items (soap with holder, toothbrush with holder, comb, band-aids),
  • accessories (t-shirt, socks, hair clips/bands, flashlight, sunglasses),
  • crafts,
  • a personal note.
Or if you would rather not go out to shop, you may pack and donate a shoebox online! For more information, visit the Samaritans Purse website.

Redland Collection Center Hours

This year, the RBC Collection Center will have curbside service! Just drive up, open the trunk of your car, and the volunteers wearing PPE will unload your boxes for you! No need to exit your vehicle. Please be sure to include the $9 per box donation or donate $9 online and receive a label to track your shoebox gift to its destination!
For more information, or to volunteer, contact Nancy Faulconer.



