Because of expected ice storm on Sunday January 9, only 8:30 worship will take place onsite.

A resource to evaluate Superbowl ads

Did you know the big game is coming up! I'm sure you did, and you may be planning to watch it with friends over for a fun night. You may have even gotten out that Crock Pot for the meatballs already!

But have you considered the ads?

You can be sure that the game will break to commercials just about every 22 seconds or so. Advertisers have spent millions for the attention of your eyeballs. And your kids' eyeballs.

How do you evaluate these?

Here's one resource from a ministry I trust, called the Center for Parent/Youth Understanding (CPYU):

Using Superbowl Ads as a ministry opportunity

Why not make your Super Bowl viewing experience productive for you and your kids? I want to challenge you to see it as an opportunity to teach how to apply their faith to the glut of marketing messages they face each and every day, by helping them think critically and Christianly about this year’s Super Bowl ads...
Why not take the time to filter this year’s Super Bowl ads through the filter of thinking Christianly?
Or, access the ads on YouTube so that you can watch and talk about them after the game.
At the very least, sit with your kids and filter the ads through CPYU’s “Simple Seven” ad filtering questions. If you want to go deeper, use the additional ad filtering questions on the handout.
Learn more about the Center for Parent/Youth Understanding at



