Because of expected ice storm on Sunday January 9, only 8:30 worship will take place onsite.

Effective Grandparenting 06/14/2023

Effective Grandparenting

Another gem from the blog of Dr. Ken Canfield:

Grandfathers, We’re Part of the Remedy for a Crisis (Condensed)

Posted by GrandkidsMatter  June 14, 2023

Father’s day just recently passed and as a grandfather, your grandkids were probably thinking about their dad more than they were thinking about you. I know you’re fine with that, but still, you play an important role as an extra companion, encourager, playmate, and role model for manhood.  In some situations you may be the main fatherly presence in your grandkids’ lives. That’s vitally important for your grandsons (and granddaughters, believe it or not).

And while fathers play a huge role in shaping boys, we live in an age where many fathers are absent for a variety of reasons.
That’s where grandfathers can step in, and many are. And since education is a big part of a child’s healthy development, grandfathers can also play an important role in that—not only regarding school work, but also in life skills.  Grandad, you can provide that validation.

You can teach skills. You can tell stories and share wisdom. You know a thing or two about relationships and the opposite sex. You’re uniquely equipped to do all of that, and I hope you are doing it for all your grandkids—granddaughters and grandsons alike. Just keep in mind that your grandsons may need it more in today’s world than ever before.

 Additionally, if your grandkids have a committed and involved dad who is there for them in all these ways, then you’ll provide an added blessing.
You have the power and potential to make a huge difference in your grandkids’ lives. And please don’t forget that there are other fathers and grandfathers out there who could use some encouragement or just a listening ear. Spend time with them. Invest in their lives. Help create a strong network of men who are making a difference for the next generations.
Check out these action steps for granddads:
  • What does your fathering heritage look like? Make a mental list of the ways you’re like your father and grandfather(s) and some ways you’re not like them. (If some of these men were absent from your life, list some ways you have grown stronger because of that challenge.)
  • Identify a child who needs a significant male role model and invite him to join you in an activity or a family event (even if it’s just dinner).
  • Identify another father or grandfather who might benefit from your wisdom and invite him out for lunch.



