Because of expected ice storm on Sunday January 9, only 8:30 worship will take place onsite.

Prime Time Event September 16

Prime Time Senior Adult Ministry Event 

Saturday, September 16, 2023, 2-4:30pm

End of Summer Bash/Cookout

Our annual End of Summer Bash/Cookout on the patio is scheduled for Saturday, September 16 from 2-4:30pm.

This will be our first outdoor gathering post-covid. I have wonderful memories of our last cookout (pictured here) and I hope you do, too.  We will have a delicious barbecue meal, fun games, and wonderful fellowship.

Sign-up for the event will be Sunday, September 10 in the foyer after both services and online.

See you there!

Contact Marilyn Jordan, [email protected] or Linda Rowe, [email protected] for more information. Let me know if you are willing to assist with food prep, setup, or manning the grill. 




