Because of expected ice storm on Sunday January 9, only 8:30 worship will take place onsite.

AHG sponsors Wreaths Across America 2023

AHG Troop MD1212 sponsors
Wreaths Across America (WAA)

"REMEMBER the Fallen. . . HONOR those who Serve. . . TEACH our children the value of Freedom" is the Wreaths Across America (WAA) motto. Their mission is to help us remember those who have served our nation through military service by placing a Christmas wreath on each of our veterans grave sites on the third Saturday in December at military cemeteries around the nation. This tradition started with Arlington National Cemetery and now extends to all US veterans' cemeteries for as many wreath sponsorships that are provided. Through this effort, WAA is able to help teach others of the sacrifices veterans and their families made during their military service.   
Help sponsor a wreath with Wreaths Across America (WAA) and at the same time help support our American Heritage Girls Troop MD1212. WAA wreath sponsorships are available for purchase on November 5 and 12 at the table in the Foyer, or you may go online (see green button below), or you may request a paper sponsorship from Rebekah Esch.
There are also volunteer opportunities on Wreaths Day, December 16, 2023 at 12:00pm at the US Soldiers' and Airmen's Home National Cemetery (wreath placement immediately following ceremony).

Please click the green button above and then click "Volunteer" button or click the "Invite" button to invite your family and friends to attend Wreaths Day with you.
Thank you so much for supporting our Troop and Wreaths Across America.
Contact Rebekah Esch (rbcahg at gmail dot com) for more information.



