Because of expected ice storm on Sunday January 9, only 8:30 worship will take place onsite.

RYM Summer 2023

RYM Summer 2023 Events!

There are fantastically fun summer events for youth, grades 6-12, coming this summer! Some of them require an RSVP right away!

June 3 – Barn Night and Movie – Jesus Revolution.
Youth and their families are invited to attend the Jesus Revolution movie from 6:00-9:30pm at the Barn on Saturday, June 3. The church will provide burgers and hot dogs for the grill, plus paper goods. You bring the other items.
Last name A-D: drinks
Last name E-Q: side
Last name R-Z: dessert
We will have some fun, eat some food, and watch the movie. Whole families are welcome!
Special contest: dress up in your favorite 70's clothes, and you may win a prize!
Please sign up to let us know how many to plan for.

June 18-23 - "Crossings" Camp at Skycroft!
An action-packed week of exciting worship, powerful devotions, invigorating rec challenges, and fun group games, this is a week that our youth look forward to all year! Register online! More info HERE.
Volunteer for our Summer Camps!
(SSL Hours available)

June 25-30 - RBC Camp: "Twists and Turns"
Volunteer for RBC Camp: "Twists and Turns" and participate in post-camp youth activities!

July 10-13, 17-20, 24-27 - RBC Sports Camp
Volunteer for one, two, or three weeks of Sports Camp!

July 10-13 - STEAM Camp: "Wonderfully Made"
Volunteer for our first ever STEAM Camp!

August 14-17 - Handbell Camp
Volunteer for Children's Handbell Camp!
July 29 - August 4 - Churchwide Summer Adventures in Missions (AIM) Trip to Duffield, VA
All Redlanders aged 12 and up are invited to participate in a dynamic week of ministry to the people of Appalachia, who deal with poverty and despair. Projects may include elder care, recovery program ministry, homeless ministry, thrift store work, and VBS children's programs. Register online!

August 6 - Pool Party in Damascus from 6-9pm
This free event is for youth and their families, please register online to let us know you are coming! Come to our favorite pool in Damascus for a night of swimming, games, fellowship, and food! The youth ministry will supply grillable foods and paper goods. Families should bring a beverage, side, or dessert to share.
Please sign up to let us know how many to plan for.

August 24 - GutterBowl at Bowl America from 6:30-9pm
RYM will join in friendly bowling tournament between participating youth groups in the county! This event is sponsored by Merge MoCo, which seeks to get youth ministries together. It's a great opportunity to meet other Christ-following students who may walk the halls of your school this coming year! $20 gets you rentals and 2 hours of unlimited bowling, $5 arcade pass, 2 slices of pizza, and unlimited drinks!

August 26 - Welcome to RYM Party



