Operation Christmas Child (OCC)

Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan’s Purse, an international relief organization. Every day boys and girls worldwide suffer from war, poverty, disease, famine, and natural disaster. OCC makes it possible for millions of these children to experience God’s love through shoeboxes filled with small toys, hygiene items, and school supplies. These shoebox gifts open doors to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way for presenting the Good News of Jesus Christ to needy children. Since 1993, Samaritan’s Purse has partnered with local churches around the world to deliver 200 million OCC shoebox gifts to children in need in over 170 countries and territories. A portion of those shoeboxes came through Redland’s doors last year!
Take part in this unique opportunity to volunteer with OCC - See Details Below!
Take part in this unique opportunity to volunteer with OCC - See Details Below!
OCC Packing Party
On November 7 at 7pm, we will have a shoebox packing party in the Chapel. Help set up for the packing party from 3-5pm and/or come pack shoeboxes from 7-9pm. There are over 200 boxes to fill—come out and help! All materials are provided.
For more info, contact Nancy Faulconer or Bruce MacDonald or visit the table in the Foyer.
For more info, contact Nancy Faulconer or Bruce MacDonald or visit the table in the Foyer.
Pack A Shoebox Gift
What goes into the box is fun. . . what comes out is eternal! Want to pack your own shoebox gift?
1.) Start with an average-size cardboard or plastic shoebox. Colorful preprinted cardboard shoeboxes are available at the table in the Foyer.
2.) Get label for a boy or girl and which age category: 2–4, 5–9, or 10–14.
3.) Fill with gifts. Here are some suggested items to pack:
4.) Pray. Most importantly, "pray without ceasing" (1 Thess. 5:17) for the child who will receive your shoebox gift.
5.) Donate $10 per box to cover shipping and other project costs. For easiest processing, you can give online (follow the link below), or by mailing a check in the postage-paid envelope available in our print brochure (available at the table in the Foyer). If you use an online option, you can Follow Your Box and discover the destination of your gift.
6.) Drop-Off! Take your shoebox gift to a local drop-off location during National Collection Week, November 13–20, 2023. How about dropping off at Redland?
1.) Start with an average-size cardboard or plastic shoebox. Colorful preprinted cardboard shoeboxes are available at the table in the Foyer.
2.) Get label for a boy or girl and which age category: 2–4, 5–9, or 10–14.
3.) Fill with gifts. Here are some suggested items to pack:
- a medium to large “wow” item to capture a child’s attention (doll or soccer ball with pump)
- toys (jump rope, marbles, toy car, harmonica)
- school supplies (pencils, erasers, colored pencils, pens, pencil sharpener, solar calculator)
- non-liquid hygiene items (soap with holder, toothbrush with holder, comb, band-aids)
- accessories (t-shirt, socks, hair clips/bands, flashlight, sunglasses, flip flops)
- crafts
- a personal note
4.) Pray. Most importantly, "pray without ceasing" (1 Thess. 5:17) for the child who will receive your shoebox gift.
5.) Donate $10 per box to cover shipping and other project costs. For easiest processing, you can give online (follow the link below), or by mailing a check in the postage-paid envelope available in our print brochure (available at the table in the Foyer). If you use an online option, you can Follow Your Box and discover the destination of your gift.
6.) Drop-Off! Take your shoebox gift to a local drop-off location during National Collection Week, November 13–20, 2023. How about dropping off at Redland?
OCC National Collection Week
November 13-20, 2023
Redland is again a collection center for Operation Christmas Child (OCC) National Collection Week, November 13-20! OCC makes it possible for millions of children to experience God’s love through shoeboxes filled with gifts. These shoeboxes open doors for presenting the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Here is Redland's 2023 OCC National Collection Center hours:
Here is Redland's 2023 OCC National Collection Center hours:

Take part in this unique opportunity to volunteer with OCC by helping with this year’s National Collection Week at Redland. There are several volunteer roles needed for National Collection Week:
GREETER - Welcomer, collect data, no lifting
UNLOADER - Lift a reasonable amount of weight, count boxes
CARTONIZER - Lift up to 50lbs, good organizers
For more information or to volunteer, contact Bruce MacDonald or visit the table in the Foyer.
GREETER - Welcomer, collect data, no lifting
UNLOADER - Lift a reasonable amount of weight, count boxes
CARTONIZER - Lift up to 50lbs, good organizers
For more information or to volunteer, contact Bruce MacDonald or visit the table in the Foyer.
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