Because of expected ice storm on Sunday January 9, only 8:30 worship will take place onsite.

Redland Baptist Online Church

Updates and New Tools You Can Use!

You should have already gotten an email on Friday that the church campus will be closed for the next two weeks.  As a result, following is the information promised detailing how you can participate in services tomorrow.  
We will be Hosting Online Church Service at 10:00 AM!
How to access:
  • Visit
  • Click the button that says, "Click here to stay connected during the COVID-19 pandemic"
  • This takes you to a webpage on our site:
  • Click to enter the video stream

Viewing LIVE allows chat functionality among viewers.

At 10:00 AM, Pastor Mark's message will begin streaming online.
At 10:25 AM (approx), there will be a panel discussion with CC, Lisa, and Kevin:  "How can Christians experience the peace of Christ and share the hope of Christ during this pandemic?" 
New opportunities from the Church during the pandemic!
  • That same page above - - has a variety of resources, including children's resources and daily devotionals - videos from our church staff to be added each weekday.
  • Conversation cheat sheet for parents a very helpful resource -
  • Test drive our app - beta version released early due to the crisis.
  • Give online (or through app) -
courage you to take advantage of these opportunities to participate in our church community even when we aren't together at church.



