Because of expected ice storm on Sunday January 9, only 8:30 worship will take place onsite.

PSC Events - September 2024

Pastoral Search Committee (PSC) Events

September 18, 2024

Dear Redland Family,

The Pastor Search Committee (PSC) is inviting Rev. Jace Broadhurst to visit with us this coming weekend. He will preach both services on Sunday and meet with many of us over two days. While he currently lives in North Carolina, Jace is quite familiar with the Maryland area. In fact, he grew up here, attending Montrose Christian School as a student, and serving for over a decade as the long-time pastor at Poolesville Baptist Church. We know Jace is not camera shy because you can find more than a year’s worth of his sermons and teachings on YouTube and Facebook. We urge you to get to know him in advance. Of course, we expect to provide more details along the way.

The schedule is as follows:

Saturday, September 21
12:00-2:30 pmRoom D215/216Conversations with our pastoral staff
3:00-4:30 pmRoom D215/216Conversations with church staff
7:00-8:30 pmRoom D215/216Conversations with the active RBC deacons

Sunday, September 22
8:30 amSanctuaryPreaching during the early service
9:40-10:50amSanctuaryMeet, greet, Q & A session open to all
11:00 amSanctuaryPreaching during the second service
3:00-5:00pm SanctuaryMeet, greet, Q & A session open to all

In the days that follow, we will be in a season of prayer to discern whether God wants us to extend an offer to Jace to preach in view of a call to serve as Pastor. Jace will also be praying to determine if it is God’s will for him to be at Redland.

The Pastor Search Committee values and invites your input. You may email the committee at [email protected].

Please continue to pray for a spirit of unity to cover every thought of every member of RBC. Blessings to you.

Your Pastor Search Committee
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