Because of expected ice storm on Sunday January 9, only 8:30 worship will take place onsite.

Inclement Weather

RBC Closures Due to Inclement Weather

The church office and all daytime activities will follow Montgomery County Public Schools when it comes to delayed openings, closures and early closures due to inclement weather.  

For evening activities, the Minister or Director of the activity will make a determination and the information will be available by 4pm of the evening in question.  

For Upward Basketball and Cheer practices at MCPS schools, we will follow MCPS for any closures/cancellations. For practices at the ROC and all games, the Recreation Ministry Director will make a decision and inform the league via email by 4pm on weekdays and by 7am on Saturdays. Also, portions of game time slots on Fridays/Saturdays may be cancelled if weather conditions worsen (or improve).

All of these changes will also be reflected on the church website. Stay safe and warm this winter season!




