Because of expected ice storm on Sunday January 9, only 8:30 worship will take place onsite.

PSC Update - September 2024

Pastoral Search Committee (PSC) Update

September 1, 2024

Here is a written update of the activities of the Pastor Search Committee that was presented to the church during the first Sunday in September. We would like all members to be informed, so this is for the benefit of those who were not present in the congregation when it was delivered.

As we have for the last year and a half, the Pastor Search Committee continues to work daily and meet weekly to find the next pastor for Redland Baptist Church.

As we reported last month, we have been meeting with our top candidates for the Pastor position. In August, we held our second round of discussions with them to learn more about their theological beliefs, sermon preparation, and leadership style. We have found these discussions very informative and revealing as we get to know the candidates better. We have also done the necessary work of verifying their qualifications and speaking with their references to get different perspectives on each.

Church family, the PSC asks you to come along side us in prayer. We take seriously the responsibilities entrusted to us by you. Please pray for wisdom as we discern God’s plan for Redland. Please pray for guidance as we take our next steps forward. Please pray for God’s Spirit of Unity and His Peace that passes all understanding as we as a church family take those steps together.

Thank you for your prayers and support,
Your Pastor Search Committee
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