Because of expected ice storm on Sunday January 9, only 8:30 worship will take place onsite.

PSC Update - January 2024

Pastoral Search Committee (PSC) Update

January 7, 2024

Here is a written update of the activities of the Pastor Search Committee that was presented to the church during the first Sunday in January. We would like all members to be informed, so this is for the benefit of those who were not present in the congregation when it was delivered.

The Pastor Search Committee continues to work daily and meet regularly to find the next pastor for Redland Baptist Church. Although December found us in the midst of Advent and preparations for Christmas, we continued to press forward. Guided by the results of the churchwide survey, we are working on updating an old Pastor job description to reflect where we stand now as a church. We will also be getting staff input as we prepare this job description before submitting it to you for approval. We are as excited as you are to see where God will lead as we search for our next pastor.

The PSC is also still actively looking for an Interim Pastor. For us, following God’s direction to the right fit for Redland is imperative. As we are all aware, the Interim Pastor must preserve the unity of the Spirit in our church and prepare us for the next Pastor. Therefore, we are carefully working to evaluate potential candidates while following the guidance of the Spirit to the person God has already chosen for us.

We are seeing that “God IS At Work Here.”  We are seeing the church grow in the discipline called “patience.”  In repurposing and paraphrasing Colossians 3:12, we can say that the body of believers at Redland are part of “God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved . . . [all wearing the garments of] “compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” We know that waiting in faith for our God to lead us produces good fruit.

We ask that you continue to pray for the search process. Please pray for the Interim Pastor and Pastor that God wants for our church, for their preparation and ours as we move closer to our time together. Please also continue to pray for the unity of the Spirit of our church and pray that God will prepare us all for the future of Redland. May God give us the guidance to serve Him well. We are working in God’s timing and we are a united committee and united church.

Your Pastor Search Committee
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