Because of expected ice storm on Sunday January 9, only 8:30 worship will take place onsite.

PSC Update - PSC Survey

Pastor Search Committee (PSC) Update

September 2023

RBC Pastor Survey
Dear Fellow Redlander,
The Pastor Search Committee is asking you to complete a survey to help us in our search for the next Pastor of our church. While most of the questions are multiple choice, a few may require more consideration from you. For that reason, we have included a selection of questions below for you to think about and pray over before starting the survey.

1. Why did you begin attending Redland?
2. What keeps you coming to Redland? What is the biggest change Redland needs to make in the future?
3. What do you think would be our new Pastor’s greatest challenge as he leads our church?
4. How should Redland balance internal ministries (feeding the sheep) with external missions (reaching the lost)?
5. What are the most important character traits our future Pastor should possess?

The official launch of the 2023 RBC Pastor Survey will be Sunday, September 10, 2023. All Surveys are due September 24, 2023.

Thank you for your willingness to partner with the Pastor Search Committee as we search for our church’s next Pastor by prayerfully completing this survey. We anticipate that the survey will take you no longer than 20 minutes to complete. We ask that each survey be completed individually, not as a family unit. Complete only one survey per person, using either the digital (preferred) or paper (available upon request) format. This survey is anonymous, and your individual responses will be kept strictly confidential within our committee and used only for the purpose of guiding our search. Your survey must be received no later than Sunday, September 24, 2023. Please continue to pray about this process and God’s leading as we search for the next Pastor.

Thank you again for your partnership with us in this search.
Your Pastor Search Committee
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