Because of expected ice storm on Sunday January 9, only 8:30 worship will take place onsite.

PSC Update - October 2023

Pastor Search Committee (PSC) Update

October 2023

Here is a written update of the activities of the Pastor search Committee that was presented to the church for the month of October. We would like all members to be informed, so this is for the benefit of those who were not present in the congregation on the first Sunday of October when it was delivered.

The Pastor Search Committee continues to work daily and meet weekly to find the next pastor for Redland Baptist Church.  We are praying, we are progressing with patience.

The Pastor Search Committee has learned that more than a handful of churches in Montgomery County are actively seeking a new pastor at this time.  Sadly, some of our sister churches are in a cycle of repeating the search process because they selected a pastor too quickly.  Over the years, some churches have endured unexpected financial, emotional and spiritual pain due to a lack of patience.  We as a church and members of the Committee are prayerfully committed to the process of seeking God’s leader, in God’s way, in God’s timing.  In the words of the former Executive Director of the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware Dr. Kevin Smith, . . . we must fight against the twin evils to our search for a new pastor, . . . twins that are aptly named “urgency” and “desperation.”  We must walk by faith and wait on the Lord.

Your Pastor Search Committee has seriously considered and/or reached out to over a dozen impressive candidates for the Interim Pastor position.  For most, we have found the “doors closed” and yet, we are encouraged by others who remain available as strong candidates.  As we evaluate these remaining candidates and others that become known to us, we urge you to continue to pray for the person that God will lead to our church.

The Committee is also evaluating a number of candidates for the permanent Pastor position.  However, we cannot “fully” begin this portion of our journey without hearing and learning more from you.  It is for this reason that the Committee decided to offer the church-wide survey as soon as possible following the Labor Day holiday.  We thank you for your participation in the survey, and we expect to share and discuss much of the results with you soon.  Please be mindful though, that the survey results will only provide factors for consideration.  The Committee is foremost concerned about hearing and learning the will of God.

The Pastor Search Committee is not slowing down.  Like you, we are praying daily and many, many times throughout the day.  We are praying, we are progressing with patience.  We remain steadfast in waiting for our Lord to provide.
As always, thank you Redland for you heartfelt prayers.

Save the Date - PSC Town Hall

Save the date of Sunday, November 19. The Pastor Search Committee plans to hold a Town Hall to share a summary of the survey results and for feedback from the church. The meeting will be held from 3:30-5pm in the Sanctuary.
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