Because of expected ice storm on Sunday January 9, only 8:30 worship will take place onsite.

PSC Update - December 2023

Pastoral Search Committee (PSC) Update

December 3, 2023

Here is a written update of the activities of the Pastor Search Committee that was presented to the church during the first Sunday in December. We would like all members to be informed, so this is for the benefit of those who were not present in the congregation when it was delivered.
The Pastor Search Committee continues to work daily and meet weekly to find the next pastor for Redland Baptist Church.

          This past month provided your Pastor Search Committee with clarity, guidance and some direction about who we are as a church, and what our desires might be moving forward.  Our direction has been informed by the results of the church-wide survey as well as the concerns expressed during the “Town Hall” meeting of November 19.  We are sensitive to the notion that God’s will may find expression from the voices of our congregation.

          At the outset, our church is defined by its welcoming culture.  Whenever we gather regularly to learn more about our God, we find great value in the warmth and kindness we receive from other worshipers at Redland.  First-time visitors to Redland frequently tell us that they see and feel the same thing.  Obviously, we need to be certain that our next Pastor will continue to lead us in preserving this quality of the church.  

          Apart from “maintaining” the welcoming culture that defines us, the survey results confirm that we are in need of “change” in at least one major area.  We are an older church that must grow younger.  Speaking of “change” in the abstract is easy.  It sometimes becomes harder when “change” arrives.  “Change” may challenge the way we worship, our style of worship, the songs we sing and more.  “Change” may mean that the “good old way” is moved aside for the purpose of “growing younger.”  We cannot stand pat on the last seven words of the church . . . “We’ve never done it that way before.”  By definition, something will be different.  Some changes may be easily embraced.  Some changes may take a while to get used to.

          The PSC is still actively looking for an Interim Pastor.  Finding the right fit is a paramount concern.  In order to obtain a broader and deeper pool of candidates, the church recently amended the job description for the Interim Pastor to reflect that “[T]he ideal candidate will have at least five (5) years of experience in pastoral positions or will have a formal education in theology and Biblical studies from an accredited institution.”  It is the role of the Interim Pastor to not only preserve the unity of the Spirit of the church, but to also prepare the church for the eventual Pastor selected.  Keeping the warmth of our Christian fellowship while equipping the church for possible changes from some old ways will be the challenge of the transition and for the Pastor who follows.

          As you continue to pray for the search process and for the unity of the Spirit of our church, we urge you to pray that God will show us what He wants us to hold onto and that He will show us what He wants to change.  May God give us the guidance to serve Him well.  We are working in God’s timing and we are a united committee and united church.

Your Pastor Search Committee
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